The features in detail

1. Telling you where you are;
When you press the button Where Am I, the system will look at your gps position and will query the server to obtain information about your location. This feature is subject to the remote service limitations and may not work if the servers are too busy, if too many queries have been sent in a day or in a limited amount of time, etc.

2. Letting you explore what’s around you
This feature is related to the visualization of a map of what’s around you.
This map is accessible with voice over. When you touch a point, after a short delay, you will be told the street information.
Pointing your device toward a certain direction, you will have what’s in front of you on the top half of the screen and what’s behind you on the bottom half of the screen. Your position corresponds to center of the screen.
This feature is also subject to the previously mentioned limitations.

3. Letting you explore a specific zone
Everything like the previous point except that you can choose a zone by inserting street and city data.

4. Periodically checking your position and telling where you are (by only telling you the details changed since last check).
This feature, called monitor, will periodically give you the information about your position.

5. Letting you add and list your favourite points;
You can give a description of the point and the system will add the rest (Street, number, coordinates, etc.);

6. Alerting you when you are close to one of your favourite points.
The app will inform you, on screen and via voice over, that you are close to a certain point you previously stored in your favourites list.

Options (Accessible throughout the device Settings section)

Monitor Group

1. Query interval
If the monitor is active this interval is the number of seconds after which the system reads its position, sends it to the remote server and gets the information.

2. Advanced information
Information related to the precision of the position, direction of movement and speed. If set to on a label is shon on the main screen of the app with these details.

3. Remote service status.
Info related to status of the gps, the network and the remote service.

4. Compass instead of direction
During the use, the program tells the direction of the movement (North means you’re moving towards north).
Turn on this option if you want to hear the course (the direction the device is pointed towards). North means the device is oriented towards north.

5. Sounds

Sounds are associated to some function such as when you’re exploring the map and cross a street.

POI Handling

6. Vocal alert, vibration, sound for POI. You can decide if you want to be vocally alerted when you get close to a point of interest, if you want your device to vibrate or if you want it to play a sound.

7. Distance for alert
You can decide at which distance you prefer to be told you’re close to the POI.

8. Alert frequency
Once you’re close to a POI, how frequently would you like to be alerted?

Map group

9. Exploration radius
It is the radius of the region you would like to see when exploring the map. You should choose an adeguate radius depending on the place you are. On a crowded city it should be less than in the country.

10. The system will tell the direction it’s pointed toward, when you’re on the map.

11. Rotating map
The map will rotate, according to the orientation of the device. It will always be orientated like the terrain.

12. Advanced exploration
A map is made of a net of streets, blocks, parks, etc. Touching the map we do not always put our finger on a street. The majority of the times we’ll be touching a building, a park, etc.
If this option is off, the system will choose the closer street to the point we’re touching. If this option is on we will be told the name of the street only if our finger is on a street.
Activating this option makes the exploration of the map more precise and more difficult at the same time.
A sound is played when entering a street and a different one when leaving it.

13. Vibrate on street

The system will vibrate when touching a street.

Device group

14. Screen lock. Allows the screen to be locked during the use. If the screen is locked not all of the app features will work.

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